Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Did you update your iPhone to iOS 8.3 for Apple Watch?

iOS 8.3 logo

Apple fixed a number of vulnerabilities in iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.2, and  iOS 8.3 , which were used in the TaiG jailbreak for Windows, and PP Jailbreak for Mac.

So it has been quite a while since a jailbreak has been released.

This usually doesn’t have a major impact on jailbreakers who have already jailbroken their device, as you can avoid upgrading the device to the latest update to keep the jailbreak, and the jailbreak tweaks.

However, this became a little complicated with the release of iOS 8.2 as it comes bundled with the Apple Watch companion iPhone app . So if you’ve bought or planning to buy an Apple Watch , you need to upgrade your iPhone to iOS 8.3, which is the latest software update, to be able to use the Apple Watch. Upgrading to the latest version would wipe the jailbreak, and installed jailbreak tweaks.

There is some hope that someone will release a jailbreak for iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4 , as Stefan Essar aka i0n1c recently published a video to confirm that iOS 8.4 (and most likely iOS 8.3) can be jailbroken .

So the question for today’s poll is: Did you update your iPhone to iOS 8.3 for Apple Watch? Or you did not buy the Apple Watch as you don’t want to lose the jailbreak? Feel free to elaborate in the comments below.

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