Friday, June 1, 2012

Download Apple iOS Security Guide

Apple has released an online 20 page security guide for its products using the iOS operating system. Apple releases some cool guides and the one that we had covered on Technofriends earlier was the Apple guide for developing iOS apps .

This specific security guide for iOS from Apple, provides details about how security technology and features are implemented within the iOS platform. It also outlines key elements that organizations should understand when evaluating or deploying iOS devices on their networks.

  • System architecture: The secure platform and hardware foundations of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • Encryption and Data Protection: The architecture and design that protects the user’s data when the device is lost or stolen, or when an unauthorized person attempts to use or modify it.
  • Network security: Industry-standard networking protocols that provide secure authentication and encryption of data in transmission.
  • Device access: Methods that prevent unauthorized use of the device and enable it to be remotely wiped if lost or stolen.

Hackers and researchers have been very busy since long reverse engineering Apple products to understand and break the security architecture of the components. The guide might not be a great tool for such researchers and hackers, but for an average Joe it does make some interesting revelations. For example, did you know that when an iOS device is booting, at every stage of the processing involved around booting, the software components involved with the boot process (for example, the kernel etc) need to be digitally signed by the hardware component involved. This is definitely one of the process step which makes iOS a secure OS for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

You can read and download the guide from this link (click here) [1] .

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