Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Storyo Review » 148Apps » iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch App Reviews and News

Storyo needs a little work but it's still quite useful for creating slideshows from the media you create.

Storyo purports to be the world’s first digital storyteller and, well, it’s not. There have been similar apps out before but Storyo does have the potential to be a fairly useful way of quickly creating stories out of your photo and videos. If it can overcome some early teething issues, that is.

The main purpose behind the app is that you can collate various videos and photos from a given period, then combine them into a kind of slideshow alongside information such as their location and other metadata. When this works it works well, but Storyo does have some occasional issues with spotting your photo albums.

Once you’ve selected your photos, Storyo offers up information on the location in which they were taken and the time, with options available for the slideshow’s duration and theme. Then it’s just a matter of hitting the create button, and a few moments later you get a fairly appealing slideshow â€" complete with a map of the location, as well as timings.

storyo4storyo7Each theme is fairly simply done but that means that the focus is on your images, which seems more appropriate. You can opt to change the text that highlights the time and day as well as relabel the times, thereby creating your own story. A soundtrack can also be added if you so wish, including entries from your music library.

It’s all fairly simple but that means it doesn’t take long to see results. A few more filters would have been convenient, or the ability to adjust the coloring of photos, but there’s always the choice of doing this through a different app beforehand.

Primarily, Storyo needs to work on its few stability issues, plus the fact that it promises to be able to suggest new stories for you, which doesn’t appear to work just yet. As the basis for a handy way of creating slideshows out of a fun trip though, it’s got plenty of potential and really doesn’t take long to see satisfying results.

Posted in: iPhone Apps and Games , Photography , Reviews

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Review disclosure: note that the product reviewed on this page may have been provided to us by the developer for the purposes of this review. Note that if the developer provides the product or not, this does not impact the review or score.

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