Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Best Tweaks of the Week [July 21

Today we have another installment of the best tweaks of the week. This month has been pretty abundant with tweaks and this past week was no exception. We have 7 new tweaks that you need to check out. So let’s go ahead and get started!

Brevity â€" $0.99

Brevity 1

Brevity is a convenient tweak that adds a quick shortcut in your Messages app. You can type out any macro that you use often and assign it to the “Send” button. Then if you don’t type anything in the Messages text box, and just hit the “Send” button, it will send that custom macro that you assigned it.

Musiex â€" $0.99


This tweak allows you to use your music controls in a minimalistic style banner. Just assign it an activator gesture and when you activate it, you can manage your now playing music right within the banner. You also have the option to set up standard controls or use gestures.

QuickReplier for Skype â€" $2.99

QuickReplier Skype

A little pricey in my opinion, but a very convenient tweak for me. I use Skype quite a bit so it’s nice to have the ability to use quick reply with it. It works as any other type of quick reply, once you get a banner notification or a notification on your lock screen, just swipe to use quick reply. You will have to install Couria which is a free quick reply tweak. QuickReplier for Skype is just an add-on. So if you use another quick reply tweak, it’s possible if you install Couria on top of it, you may encounter issues, so keep that in mind.

StickyBanner â€" Free


StickyBanner is a free tweak that keeps your banner notification at the top of your screen when you receive them. You will have to manually dimiss them. It’s nice if you have a hard time reading the notification before it removes itself.

Smart Search â€" $2.50

Smart Search Spotlight

Smart Search  is a cool tweak that allows you to use the Spotlight with some really nice features. It allows you to tap on the apps in the Spotlight and search that particular app. If you don’t have the app installed, then it will just search for your query in Safari. The searchable apps (plugins) include the iPhone, App Store, Google, Spotify, Wikipedia, YouTube, and iTunes Music.

Control Center iOS 8 â€" Free


If you saw my video on iOS 8 Beta 4 , then you saw that we got a different theme for the control center. If you’re a fan of it and you want to grab something similar on iOS 7, then check this theme out. It’s free and you’ll need to apply it within Winterboard.

Power Tap â€" Free


This is another free tweak that is similar to Slide to Reboot, but is much better because it has more features. Just hold down your power button and once the “slide to power down” screen appears, you can tap the slider knob to either slide to reboot, respring, or go directly into safe mode. A pretty helpful and inconspicuous tweak.

If you want to see all of these tweaks in action, then check it out in the walkthrough below!

Let me know if you plan on installing any of these tweaks in the comments! I look forward to hear what you think!

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